Life is never boring...and right now I wish it was!

I have never blogged before but life threw me a serious curve ball...I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I am just starting on this ride and I want to be able to remember each part of the trip. I am writing this for myself...if anyone else reads this, please just understand that this is my own personal thoughts and fears and just bear with me. Thanks.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Drains Out, Port In...

It has been over a week since I last posted.  It has been a week of healing from the surgery and a week of activity.

On Wednesday, August 24, I met with Margie, my oncology nurse at Andrews and Patel.  We spoke for quite a while about the drugs I will be receiving and their potential side-effects.  I will be receiving taxatere, carboplatin and Herceptin every 3 weeks for six sessions and will continue the Herceptin every three weeks for the rest of a year.  The taxatere and carboplatin will have the effects that are expected - most notably hair loss, probably in 2-3 weeks.  One of the other things I did this week was to order a few wigs - in various shades and styles - so I can see which one will work best.  The Herceptin can possibly cause temporary heart issues so, on Friday, I had a MUGA scan.  This was an interesting test - a tube of my own blood was taken, mixed with a radioactive substance and put back in me.  My heart was then imaged for about 30 minutes to see if it is pumping correctly.  I will have this test every 3 months while I am receiving the Herceptin.

When I got home from my appointment with Margie, I read through all the material she had given to me.  I learned that I should have my dental cleaning before i started chemo, so I went to the dentist on Thursday.  I learned that the chemo can effect the results of a PAP so I have an appointment with my gynecological oncologist for my 6 month check-up next Tuesday.  I had blood drawn for a CA-125 for this appointment last Thursday.

During this time, I have still had 2 drains from my surgery.  They really are annoying and make me feel some some sort of an alien. Last Friday, after the MUGA scan, I had to see my surgeon's nurse because one drain was clogged and had begun to leak.  Fun, Fun!!!

Also during this "calm" week, Mike noticed a nasty looking spot on my back that reminded him of the melanoma I had 15 years ago.  Not too scary :)!!   Yesterday, I saw my dermatologist who removed it and reassured me that it was just a cyst.  Oh, and by the way, my car was rear-ended as I was going to the derm.  I was stopped and the other car was going too fast and didn't stop in time.  Details were exchanged, insurance companies were contacted and my car was dropped off for repairs today.  It was quite a week!!!

This morning, I finally saw my surgeon and had the drains removed - yeah!!!  Didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I had been told it might. I also was scheduled for a minor surgical procedure -the insertion of a Mediport - which will happen this Friday morning.  My first chemo infusion will be on Monday, September 12 and will take about 5 hours - I need to remember to bring a snack and beverage:).

It has been a busy and stressful week.  But through it all, God's grace and love have always been with me.  I have received calls and cards from soooo many people - a constant reminder of all the love and prayers.  It has been truly humbling.  And family has been great - available to just "talk" when that is exactly what I need.  And then there is Mike - I really can't write how important he is to me in all this.  Whether it is going to the doctor with me,reassuring me that my scars aren't horrible (they are), encouraging me to rest, doing household chores or just playing a card game called Cutthroat, Mike has been my rock.  It is interesting that after 38 years, I am more in love with him that I have ever been.

Next week should be fairly quiet.  A chance to continue to heal from the surgery and to mentally prepare for the chemotherapy. Like I've written before, it will be a "sucky" 4 months and then it should improve.  Anything is manageable for 4 months.  And with the support of friends, family and my Heavenly Father, I can handle anything.


  1. What a blessing to have a loving husband AND our Lord walking with you through all of this. I pray you will continue in your sweet, postive attitude through it all!

  2. Lynn,

    What a week! I think having the car rear ended on top of everything else might have pushed me over the edge. Life is certainly not fair. I don't know how people are able to get through the trials of life without God and the knowledge that God understands our suffering because of His own suffering while on earth.

