Life is never boring...and right now I wish it was!

I have never blogged before but life threw me a serious curve ball...I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I am just starting on this ride and I want to be able to remember each part of the trip. I am writing this for myself...if anyone else reads this, please just understand that this is my own personal thoughts and fears and just bear with me. Thanks.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Done, Done, Done!

I haven't posted in quite a while.  This is a good thing in my mind because, as the title of this blog says, "Life is boring and this is good!" 

I have been receiving my Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks, with the last one on September 6th. That evening I flew down to Alabama to help my wonderful sister, Nancy, celebrate her 50th birthday.  She also kept telling people that we were also celebrating the end of the chemo!!  It actually felt odd leaving Dr. Andrew's office without an appointment for another treatment.  The nurses in the infusion area cheered for me and hugged me as I left that day!  Really wonderful people!

This past Monday, September 24th, I had a minor surgical procedure to remove the MediPort that had become so important to me for the last year.  All went well with this simple surgery - Mike and I were home from the hospital before noon.  But to me it was a truly milestone day - the official end of my cancer treatment!!!  I am done!!! Except for my twice yearly visits to the oncologist for followups, I am no longer a cancer patient.  It is now behind me!!!  Cancer is not part of my daily life anymore and there isn't even the physical port left anymore to remind me of it.  True - I obviously am not the same person physically that I was before the cancer diagnosis but I love the feeling of not being a cancer patient anymore.  I am now officially (at least to me) a cancer survivor.  I have survived the diagnosis, surgery and treatment!!! Yeah!!!  It is nice to really start making plans again for the future, both near and far.

And I really am looking forward to my "boring life."  I love that boring life - a little fun is always good but I don't want or need any more big curve balls thrown at me. 

The constants for the past year have been Mike, of course. - my "rock!"  Also my entire wonderful family - whether sending cards, calling me or Mike for an update, keeping me in their prayers or just listening to me talk when I needed it.  And of course my Father in heaven, in whose grip I felt so safe.

Thanks to all who have read my blog and followed my "ramblings" for the last year.  Writing this has been really good for me and it allowed me to get my thoughts out on "paper" (or computer screen) and save them.  As I have said, I don't journal and have never kept a diary.  But it is interesting and theraputic to be able to go back and read where I was at at various points throughout this journey.  And I am so looking forward to a long and healthy future!