Life is never boring...and right now I wish it was!

I have never blogged before but life threw me a serious curve ball...I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I am just starting on this ride and I want to be able to remember each part of the trip. I am writing this for myself...if anyone else reads this, please just understand that this is my own personal thoughts and fears and just bear with me. Thanks.

Friday, August 12, 2011

One week to go...

My bilateral mastectomy is in 6 days.  The waiting is hard.  My sister asked if I was anxious to get on with it and I told her that is hard.  I feel fine...but I know I have a cancer in me that has to be dealt with.  So I will surgery to remove a part of my body that, to be honest, I really like. :)  Then the healing, the drains, the probable chemotherapy, the possible radiation, the waiting for the pathology reports...It is hard to be anxious for all this to begin.  But I know this is what I have to do.

A good piece of news this week was that the Breast MRI that I had last Friday did not show anything in my right breast - "no surprises" was the term the nurse used when she phoned me.  I'll take any good news where I can find it.

It has been interesting to kind of observe the process my thoughts have gone in this week.  I started the week speaking with the pastor and council president of the church where I work, letting them know that I really don't know how much I will be able to work for the foreseeable future.  Watching the wonderful people at St. Tim's try to figure out how the church business will continue while I am out.  On Tuesday, I had an appointment at the store where I will get my post-mastectomy bras and prostheses.  That was difficult - it really brought home what is going to happen to my body.  I have never been vain - being heavy all my life, my body was not my source of pride.  But it is my body and it will be drastically changing...and that is tough.  On Thursday, I met with a physical therapist to go over post-surgery exercises for movement and, more importantly, to try to avoid lymphedema, or swelling, on my left side.  This was good - it made me feel that there is something I can do to help myself.

This weekend Mike, Scott and I are heading in to Staten Island to spend some time with Mike's mom, his sister and her family and his brother and his family.  Both of my sisters-in-law are breast cancer survivors - one for 4 years and one for 10 years!  I think it will be good to be with them this weekend.

I am getting really scared about what lies ahead.  I have received cards and flowers with wonderful notes that remind me that I am in the prayers of many and that God is always with me.  This I know to be true!

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