Life is never boring...and right now I wish it was!

I have never blogged before but life threw me a serious curve ball...I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I am just starting on this ride and I want to be able to remember each part of the trip. I am writing this for myself...if anyone else reads this, please just understand that this is my own personal thoughts and fears and just bear with me. Thanks.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day16 - and Feeling Good...for Today!

Today is September 28, day 16 of my first chemo cycle.  I am feeling almost normal and have for the last few days.  Just more fatigued than usual but otherwise good.  And I am enjoying it.  I am enjoying tasting food again, being able to eat it and not have it run right through me.  The intestinal issue continued until last Friday.  Imodium didn't help and a prescription for Lomotil helped only a little.  On Friday evening, after reading lots of info on the Internet, I decided to start taking a probiotic, specificly Lactobacillus GG. Whether it was the probiotic or just the issue running its course, I felt much better by the weekend!  Yeah!!  I am continuing to take the probiotic and am hoping (a lot) that it will help during my next chemo cycle. 

This whole process has been fascinating.  Before the first chemotherapy infusion I didn't know what to expect.  I had been told what the likely side effects would be, but I didn't know which, if any,would happen.  Now, going into the second infusion, I don't have the fear of the unknown.  Now it is the fear of what I know will likely happen.  But, after Monday, I will be 1/3 of the way through the tough part of the chemo.  And that is great!

The most visible side effect of the chemo is the hair loss - and it is starting.  As I sat on the couch this weekend just absent-mindedly running my fingers through my hair, I realized that lots of strands were coming out in my hands.  As I would style it the last few mornings, more and more was coming out in my hands.  I can still style my hair to look somewhat decent but not much longer.  I hope I am ready for this but, whether or not I am doesn't really matter.  The hair is coming out and I will soon be using the wig that is waiting on my dressser.  I am trying to be positive - it is much easier and quicker to put on a wig than to style my fine straight hair.  But I am sure there will be some tears as well - it is strange how attached we women get to our hair.

When I left my job at St. Tim's I thought "Wow, during most of the next few months I will probably feel good and look at all the projects I can get done around the house!"  Not so much!!  The fatigue is more than I thought it would be and I am finding it hard to get my head into those projects.  But that is okay - the projects will be here when the chemo is done and I will be able to attack them with renewed gusto!

Matt opened in "The Music Man" last weekend at the Lyric Light Operea in the Seattle area.  He, along with his barbarshop quartet, are playing the school board and, from all reports, are doing a fantastic job!  I had so wanted to get out to Seattle to see him in the play but it is not going to happen.  But Mike is going out for the second weekend in October.  I am thrilled that he is able to go and am looking forward to a detailed report on the performances.

I am anxious for the next chemo to start - the sooner I get to each infusion, the sooner they will be done.  And I am realizing that though the side effects are not fun at all, they are totally manageable and, with the support I get from Mike, my boys and wonderful "daughter", my exceptional sister and everyone who is praying for me, I am more than fine - I am great - for today at least :)  and that's all I can ask for.

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