Life is never boring...and right now I wish it was!

I have never blogged before but life threw me a serious curve ball...I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I am just starting on this ride and I want to be able to remember each part of the trip. I am writing this for myself...if anyone else reads this, please just understand that this is my own personal thoughts and fears and just bear with me. Thanks.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas....and a Wonderful 2012!

Today is a quiet day, an extra day of feeling good this cycle.  I will be getting my 6th infusion tomorrow and it should be the last of the "bad ones"...I still have to receive Herceptin every 3 weeks for another 9 months but I am told there should be no bad side effects and that my hair will start to grow back.  I have such mixed feelings about tomorrow - I am anxious to get it behind me, start feeling bad for a couple of weeks but know that it is the LAST TIME!  But the last cycle was really tough - I am told some of the side effects are cumulative so I am scared of the next 2 weeks.  But I have gotten through the last 4 months...what is 2 weeks more :).

Mike, Scott and I had a nice Christmas.  It was low-key and that was just fine for this year.  On Christmas Eve we had dinner with Mike's brother Rich and his wife Pat.  It was a wonderful dinner and the company was exceptional! :)  We went to the 7pm service at church on the way home and spoke to Matt when we got home.

Christmas morning was wonderful as well.  Presents, Norwegian waffles for breakfast (a long-standing tradition) and an hour+ with Matt and Steph on the webcam!  Not quite as good as being together but traveling between Seattle and Pennsylvania at this time of year is not something any of us want to do!  Lots of phone calls to family.  It was a really nice day!

2011 has been such an eventful year.  We traveled for the beautiful weddings of my nieces in January and May.  We helped Mike's mother get ready to sell her home in Florida in April.  We got together with all Mike's siblings in June to go through lots of stuff and wonderful memories.  And in July I got my breast cancer diagnosis.  The surgery and treatment has become all-consuming for the last 6 months and 2012 represents getting back to some semblence of normal life.  I am looking forward to returning to my job as part-time church secretary in mid-January.  I have a sisters' trip with Nancy planned and reserved for May.  I have projects in the house that I am anxious to get to - even "bottom-cleaning" the house with Mike this winter (the house has really been neglected for the last few months).  God has had me in his grip throughout 2011 - with wonderful celebrations and some of the hardest months of our lives.  And I know I will continue to be in his grip in the New Year as well!

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